Cookies policy

For functional and operational reasons, browsing the Sareb website implies acceptance of cookies that are installed on devices used to access Nevertheless and in addition, this Cookies Policy is published to expand and explain the information reflected in the banner, to provide you with the basic information following your initial access to the website. Accordingly, the user is hereby informed of the definition of a cookie, the types of cookies used on this website, and how the user can manage these cookies according to the characteristics of his/her browser and device (PC, laptop, tablet, smart phone, etc.) used to browse the website.

Likewise, the user is reminded that this Cookies Policy is permanently published on the lower section of the website so that users may consult it on future visits.

Finally, we would like to remind you that the process of browsing the website or registering on it implies the installation of technical and personalisation cookies, unless your browser has been configured otherwise. In all cases, users may change their browser settings at any time in line with their preferences.


In order to ensure your privacy, we hereby inform you that cookies are used on this website that enable us to improve the usability and browsing experience of the website; to ensure access to certain functionalities; and to help us improve the quality of the site based on users’ browsing habits and styles.

A cookie is a file that is downloaded onto the terminal on which the user accesses the website (PC, smartphone, tablet or other internet-enabled device) and that enables the owner of the website to store or retrieve certain information about multiple variables, such as the number of times that the page has been visited, to identify registered users, to maintain the user’s session while he/she browses the page; to offer prompts for forms, passwords, language or other individual settings; or to enable operations to be carried out in a secure and stable way.

As indicated, cookies, according their type, may collate information about users’ browsing habits and consequently may affect their privacy. We are therefore providing the necessary information about the type of cookies used on our website so that users can make an informed decision in relation to using the website and protecting their privacy.


Information about the type of cookies used on the website is given below:

1. According to their purpose

Cookies are used for different purposes, as previously explained. Sareb classifies them into five major groups according to their purpose, although this website only uses technical, personalisation and analytical cookies.

Accordingly, users will be asked for specific consent for each type of cookie that Sareb may include on the website and which users must accept, such as analytical cookies. If the user rejects all cookies, only the technical and personalisation cookies will be installed, which the website needs to function correctly. Cookie types classified by purpose are:

2. According to the period of time that they remain activated for on the terminal

Cookies can have an activity period based on duration variables, depending on their type. Two types of cookies are defined by this characteristic:

3. According to the owner of the cookies

We can differentiate the following types of cookies depending on the entity that manages the domain that issues the cookies and that processes the data obtained:

4. Cookie settings

You may access the cookie settings used on the website and decide which ones are installed according to their characteristics, taking into account the information provided in this Cookies Notice, using the following link:


Useful links are provided here relating to the cookies of some of the main browsers and online content providers. Please note that these links may be changed by their owners and may therefore become obsolete.


Sareb may partially or fully change the Cookies Notice, publishing any change in the same way that this notice is published or via any type of communication sent to users, according to legislative or regulatory requirements, or in order to adapt this policy to the instructions of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. We therefore recommend regularly reviewing its content.